Wednesday, May 6, 2020

During covid-19

During covid-19 lockdown is a bit boring. But fun activities can help.
These 12 activities are gonna make your boredom go down and activeness
and happiness go up. I hope all you guys get more happy.

1-Make a board game.
2-Make a fort.
3-draw your own comic book.
4-Create something new.
5-Cook with your mum or dad.
6-Make a card for someone.
7-Write a story(it can  be about ANYTHING.)
8-Play spotlight inside/outside.
9-Read to a sibling.
10-Workout with a sibling(not workout workout fun workout.)
11-Go for a run with an adult.
12-Share a story with a family member.


  1. Kia ora Sasha,
    Thanks for all the good ideas
    of what we should do during our
    lockdown. Maybe I should try out
    creating something?

  2. i like how you siad make something with your mum and dad and how did you do that all? btw i like your post.

    by emrico

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kio ora Sasha,
    I like the way you write
    your work. and i wish i
    can write my work like
    your one thank you
    sharing you work

  5. hi my name is emrico and the writing that you did was so nice,and i like how you placed it in order and how did you make a bord game


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