Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The covid-19

Hey guys the covid-19 is now on level three. Not so bad. At least it not on four at the highest.

Make sure to wash your hand with soap for twenty second and dry them with a clean towel. Make sure you stay 6 mitres away from people and sneeze or cough in a tissue then throw it away.

Stay safe and make sure to stay healthy.
Have a great awesome year.
Wash your hands.
Wash your hands.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Gacha life fox girl

I know its strange naming her but at least i don't call her fox girl(looking at you title)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Kawa of care

What is the Kawa of care
The Kawa of care is a promise and meeting on how to take care of your chrome

 There are some rules you have to follow like:Always keep your chrome book/case and charger and make sure you don't lend it over to someone else, Keep your chrome out of reach from little kids and make sure to  keep it in a safe place, always be on appropriate sites and on the right sites your teacher asks you to be on in school and much more.

Your chrome book is for learning and sometimes connection with people.
But you cant have a account on Facebook, twitter, TikTok, Instagram and other apps that are rated 15+ the may contain child predators luring you into a awful situation. Make sure to keep your password a secret someone might go on your account and much around, then you might get in trouble because others think it was you.

Connects with other in a kind way never negative always positive.
Watch out for cyber-bullying talk to a grown up about it and they'll fix it.
If some random person online is making you feel uncountable tell a grown up you trust.
Be responsible on your chrome book and stay safe. Don't send your address to people you don't  know or your name.
As you can see i have made a poster of the Kawa of care.
Make sure your name is on the chrome. Stay safe hope you have an awesome 2020.